
Kathleen Marquardt

Kathleen Marquardt has been in the freedom movement since before it was called that. She was founder and chairman of Putting People First, a non-profit organization combatting the animal rights movement. Her book, AnimalScam: the Beastly Abuse of Human Rights, was published by Regnery in 1993. Kathleen has been Vice President of American Policy Center since 2000 and is the Agenda 21/Sustainable Development expert for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign. She was a contributing writer and researcher for Freedom Advocates.

Most Recent Articles by Kathleen Marquardt:


But you tell me Over and over and over again, my friend How you don’t believe We’re on the eve of destruction *
Today, we are under enormous pressures to replace our political, educational, and religious (social) structures that were set up to protect the individual, to educate our children with the necessary knowledge, and give them the ability to understand and contribute to the continuation of our way of a life of liberty. Yet this pressure toward a negative change has been on-going for decades. Today, we are seeing what seems to be the last “push”, the tipping point from freedom to Marxism – all in the desire for a one-world tyranny. What is quite obvious is that this is not from “the will of the people” but is being thrust upon us and secretly has been in the works for too long.ON THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION
- Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Ideal Communist American City

The Ideal Communist American CityAmatai Etzioni, futurist and communitarian told us, “To make our physical environment more community-friendly, our homes, places of work, streets, and public spaces – whole developments, suburbs, and even whole cities – need to be designed to enhance the Communitarian nexus.” Don’t know how communitarians think? In simple words, groupthink is vital; individualism is to become extinct (no, we will not all comply). You like your pink house on a 1/3-acre yard? Too bad, the group want to walk, live, eat, shop, think in tandem. Well, the plebians and useless eaters need to understand that is the way they “will now think, or else”. The Global Elite may also think in lockstep – but, for themselves, their groupthink is big mansions, 6 airplanes and a helicopter, caviar, foie gras, Wagyu beef, and Petrus or Romanee-Conti wine – while they devise the next weapon to do away with more of us until they reach the magic number – somewhere around 500 million, max.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022

If Disney Is 'Woke' May I Sleep Forever

 If Disney Is 'Woke' May I Sleep ForeverI am so thankful that my children are grown and were exposed to very little of the Woke world (comparatively speaking). Back then, it was political correctness which hadn’t reached even close to Woke yet! But we are well down that road. Back when political correctness was getting a foothold, it got under my skin enough to tell a Sacramento Bee reporter that if anyone accused me of being politically correct, I’d slit my throat. You can imagine how I view the Woke world now. But Disney? Disney used to be for entertainment, especially for children. What Disney offers now can only be considered entertainment for those wanting sick and twisted porn. Regular porn is probably passe’ in today’s "in your face” woke world anyway.
- Thursday, September 15, 2022

What part of Agenda 21 didn’t you get?

What part of Agenda 21 didn’t you get?Sorry, but we have been telling you for over 30 years that the globalists want to reduce the population by over 90%. I can understand why, for a while, some thought we were crazy. Population reduction was being done quietly through abortion, vaccines to sterilize people in Third World countries, promoting the gay lifestyle that can only bear children through surrogates, and convincing people that bringing a child into this world is a sin. For years, the Left have bemoaned the burden of overpopulation.
- Monday, July 25, 2022

Being BlackRocked = Being Cancelled by a Global Public Private Partnership

Being BlackRocked = Being Cancelled by a Global Public Private Partnership While most of us thought that we had a government of the people, by the people, for the people, we do not and have not had one for many decades. The transformation has been in the works for over 100 years, but the final weapon to take us to a one-world government was the two-part President's Council on Sustainable Development/National Partnership for Reinventing Government. The first part embedded Agenda 21 into even the most minor areas of government — from federal to Podunkville. The second, while we heard even less about it, is the dangerous "focus on leading a fundamental culture change in the government", that transfers(ed) power from Congress to the bureaucracy; from representatives of the people to unelected bodies (and thus we have no ability to oust them) who "ultimately control international finance, all corporate & business activity, government policy, and international relations." And thus, they "have constructed a system that will enable them to seize the "global commons (ed: control of the entire world). "[1]
- Monday, July 11, 2022


CANCEL CULTURE IS CANCELLING ITSELFWe are definitely living in interesting times. I’d have preferred the 1770s, but I’m here now. For decades we at American Policy Center have been arousing people to see what is actually going on in the world rather than being duped by the globalists’ propaganda arms, the MSM and the education system. Many people are opening their eyes, but that fact has been hidden by the press. Now, the Globalists, with their Cancel Culture, are opening more eyes than imaginable thanks to their hubris. They began to believe their propaganda – gotta love it! – and thought they had ‘turned’ enough of us into gullible fools or useful idiots.
- Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Birds, Bees, Fish, and Liars

Tom Renz just published an article, “Bees Are Officially Fish Per a Court… Seriously”[1], that explains so much. Similar explanations have been written in the past, but today, instead of a scattering of examples, we are so inundated with Newspeak that we must be vigilant when reading anything. If you start to lower your filter, you can end up accepting the idea that a person with a Y chromosome can birth a child, that a Realburger has meat in it even, that the climate never changed until man began to use crude oil instead of whale oil. The Birds, Bees, Fish, and LiarsIn Renz’s article, he states: Here is a link to a real ruling from a real court in California: Bees are Fish Ruling – Seriously. This is a direct quote from the ruling:
- Friday, June 10, 2022

We the People Just Stopped WHO – For Now

We the People Just Stopped WHO – For Now“We the People” threw a sabot into the machinations of the WHO, the World Health Organization, stopping them from setting up a system that would grossly infringe on our national and individual sovereignty. In January, the Biden administration proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that cover 194 Member States. According to the IHR: “While disease outbreaks and other acute public health risks are often unpredictable and require a range of responses, the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) provide an overarching legal framework that defines countries’ rights and obligations in handling public health events and emergencies that have the potential to cross borders.” Overarching means comprehensive, all-embracing, and that, in my opinion, defines their aims exactly – and the reason to get the U.S. out of the WHO and, ultimately, the U.N. if we wish to save this country.
- Friday, June 10, 2022

The Biggest Con the World Has Ever Seen

The Biggest Con the World Has Ever SeenWe are at a crucial point right now. I want to say we are at a turning point, but instead, we are approaching the point of no return. For over a century we have been going down the "Fabian Freeway"[1]. The Great Reset, with its concomitant tools of pandemics, scheme of turning over sovereignty to the genuinely evil World Health Organization (WHO), Artificial Intelligence (which stands for artifice intelligence), and dealing with us "useless eater" along with a plethora of other dastardly deeds, is now driving this., The Big Con – Agenda 21 (millennial goals, Agenda 2030, Green New Deal, and numerous other re-names) and the Great Reset together truly make up the most monstrous scheme perpetrated in the world – and it's on the whole world. And we have watched it being designed and executed and we did nothing much to stop it. Those foisting this abomination on humanity have always told us what they were about to do. Few of us were paying attention, but those who were, were highl vocal, trying to wake up, not only the "silent majority", but anyone with ears willing to hear.
- Monday, May 23, 2022

The international treaty that will end the Great American Dream – if we allow it

The international treaty that will end the Great American Dream – if we allow itFor years, Tom DeWeese, Henry Lamb, Michael Coffman, I and many others have been beating the drums trying to wake up America and the World about Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. In the past several years, thanks to an unemployed bartender trying to shove the Green New Deal down our throats, people have begun to question. Now, the powers-that-be, the Globalists and Deep State operators, believe they are about to wield a coup de grace. And, believe me, this will be the end of civilization on Earth. I’m not exaggerating. But I do admit that I never expected this.
- Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Political Correctness, just one tool in the arsenal of Sustainability

Political Correctness, just one tool in the arsenal of Sustainability “At its worst, political correctness is nothing different from Orwell's Newspeak - an attempt to change the way people think by forcibly changing the way they speak.” Urban Dictionary "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity.
- Monday, September 10, 2018
